Friday, May 20, 2011

Biking success!

I did it! I biked my 38 pounder up the hill from the bike path.  I tried it once before last year (he was less heavy) and was unsuccessful, so I just assumed that wasn't happening.  Perhaps I tried the wrong street last year.  Or just maybe I'm actually stronger now.

In any case little star not only was unsuccessful at nap, but also at quiet time.  Now how was I going to get him to sleep?  I'm adamantly opposed to spending gas (driving) to get him asleep- though I know it would be effective.   It's just not environmentally sound.  I lifted weights this morning, and needed to mow again, so I didn't want to stress out my arms with a stroller ride (which has been surprisingly unsuccessful lately).  So there it was.  A bike ride.  But the only place to bike is the bike trail.  The bike trail at the bottom of the hill.  I figured the worst that could happen was I had to push him up the hill.  That's what I did last time.  I didn't know if it would work- I mean how comfortable is it to fall asleep in a bike seat?  But it was a beautiful day, so we went.  And he fell asleep pretty soon after we reached the trail.  I biked for quite a bit  before there was a place I could turn around without waking him up.  Its really hard to turn the bike in a tight space when its weighted with him and not tip it over.

Before we went back up the hill he had awoken and we spent some time at the playground for me to rest (and him to play).  We had to leave when other kids showed up- I mean, in theory he's contagious?  I don't know when we decide he's not any more.  His rash looks better, but its still there.  He's not itchy today, and seems happy.

After I made it up the hill I mowed the lawn for a bit.  The battery doesn't last long when the grass is so long... and I did the hilly part.  So it doesn't look like I got much done.

Well, a lot of exercise and not much writing accomplished today.  Right now little star is busy wasting water (playing) at the sink.  At least he's learned I'll turn it off if he runs a lot, so he doesn't do that anymore.

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